Visitor’s Guide to Planet Earth: an Astrological Primer

Autographed Copies of Visitor’s Guide to Planet Earth: an Astrological Primer Available
This booklet has been called the “jiffy notes” of astrology by a friend of mine. There is just a little information on the signs, planets, houses, aspects & specific configurations. This gives the reader the opportunity to learn astrology painlessly.
I used to have thick books on the subject for sale in my office which intimidated my clients. These books are wonderful tools which can be tackled after the bare basics are understood.
One year after this booklet came out, I ran across a man leaving an apartment building. He was carrying a dog-eared copy of “Visitor’s Guide.” Need I say more?
Autographed Hardcover copies are available. Use the button below to order. Our PayPal calculates postage for US ONLY. For other areas or bulk orders, please Contact us first.
$7 per copy