Gluten and Dairy-Free Thanksgiving Sides

Gluten and dairy have become quite problematic for many individuals. What to do about the classic squash and mashed potatoes sides that need to come with the Thanksgiving turkey? Have no fear! There is a way to make these dishes without butter and have them be delicious. I want to thank my friend, Jenn Dafeldecker, for the following scrumptious recipes.

It’s important to keep the winter squashes where we can keep an eye on them. Ours live on the beams in the living room. I noticed the other day that one of my red kuri squashes had a dark mark on it.

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Upon further inspection, it was beginning to rot in many places. So I decided to cook it right away. The photos are from this dish.

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Butternut squash can be prepared in exactly the same way. Peel and cut the squash into small pieces. Instead of adding water to the pan, pour in some homemade bone broth soup in which to cook the wedges.

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Get it boiling, cover it and turn it on low. In about half an hour, the squash is soft and mashable. Add a dash of salt (or Herbamare—a lovely seasoned salt) and stir well. Delicious!

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Potatoes can be cooked the same way. Add homemade bone broth soup for the cooking instead of water. When it comes time to mash the potatoes, pour on some extra-virgin coconut oil.

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Delectable and sure to please all the guests.

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By adding bone broth soup, you not only avoid the issue of dairy, but you are increasing the nutrient content of your sides. The whole family will benefit from more vitamins and minerals in their meals.


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