
Purslane is a common garden weed that is probably the most nutritious item in your garden. It originally came from India and escaped into backyards everywhere. It has fourteen times the Omega-3 fatty acids of spinach as well as six times the vitamin E. Its betacarotene levels are seven times higher than carrots.

It starts out small.

me in garden & purslane 011

Grows bigger.


And will spread out nicely if allowed.


I will often let it grow in between rows of other things or in spaces where the germination of a crop isn’t good. When I pick it, I cut off the root and collect it in a bowl.


Then I wash it very carefully. This is one plant that has crevices where dirt likes to hide so I take some time and do it well.

Purslane can then be juiced or steamed lightly and served with butter and sea salt. It is delicious. It also makes a lovely garnish. What a treat to find such a wonderful volunteer!


These 100% grass fed beef sticks are also FERMENTED!!! And really delicious!

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  1. And here I have been pulling it and tossing in the trash. I will have to give this a try.

    1. It grows quickly and will give people something to eat early in the season. We just had some for lunch and I put quite a lot in the bone broth soup that I am making to give it extra vitamins and minerals.

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